We are happy to announce that a fresh new international jobs website is ready to help you jump start your immigration journey.


If we look at the UK immigration stats, we find that in the year ending September 2019, 222,047 applications were made for Sponsored study visa for the higher education (university) sector, which showed increase of 14% over previous period, the highest level on record.

While we do not have exact stats, we understand from other websites that a very small percentage of these 222,947 students may have been able to switch to the then Tier 2 General (Skilled Worker Visa now) after successful completion
of UK degree.

Ideally if you completed higher education in the UK, you should have been able to extend your visa by switching to Tier 2 visa. So what are the factors holding you down and how can we help improve your chances to find a skilled worker visa in the UK before you complete studies?